Delaware County Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Slips and Falls

Delaware County Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Slips and FallsThis legal question was provided by  You can view the original question here.


I slipped and fell over the weekend and I am starting to feel some pain in my side, what should I know going forward?


As an experienced Delaware County Personal Injury Attorney, I often handle these types of matters. The first thing you should do is see a doctor. Your health is of paramount importance. Once you have secured a doctor’s opinion, you should write to the pharmacy to put them on notice of your potential claim. Your letter should request a copy of any incident or accident reports that were generated, and you should demand that security footage (if any) be preserved.

Are you or loved one hurt by a slip and fall injury? If so, Contact our experienced Delaware County Personal Injury Attorney Patrick Gibson

This legal question was answered by Patrick Gibson, an experienced Delaware County Personal Injury Attorney.  This does not consent an attorney client relationship.

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